It all started at The XXIV National conference of IAP at Madras in 1987. During the general body meeting of the conference the idea of starting a National IAP respiratory chapter was conceived. The same was proposed by Dr. MD. Shah (Bombay), seconded by Dr. H. Paramesh (Bangalore) & Dr. N. Somu (Madras).
It was decided to have the founding office at Bombay with Dr. MD. Shah as its chairperson with the approval of Central IAP National president Dr. AB. Desai. Founding members were enrolled the very same day to mark the beginning of the chapter. During the same conference Pediatric Hematology/Oncology chapter too was conceived and Dr. T. Dorairajan was elected unanimously as its president.
HistoryThe Indian Academy of Pediatrics National Respiratory Chapter (IAPNRC) is the most dynamic and fastest growing sub-chapter of the IAP. Presently with over 2500 members and still counting, the IAPNRC is actively involved in enriching and expanding the knowledge and practice of pediatricians in the field of Pediatric Respiratory Medicine across the country.
Dr Sanjiv Singh Rawat
Dated: 21st February, 2025
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